Are you an ICSB member? Check out these great resources.

Are you an ICSB member? Check out these great resources.

Whether you’re already an ICSB member or you’re thinking of joining, you may not be aware of all of the great resources we make available to our members. Here are just a few.

ICSB Monthly Updates

Every month, we send out a newsletter to our members with news and information about our international events. Stay up to date with the latest conference and event registration information.

ICSB Academy

The ICSB Academy gives students a full immersion experience in the making of a new entrepreneurial venture. It also exposes them to the latest developments in entrepreneurship science. Participants benefit from the mentorship of a global team of successful entrepreneurship experts (including entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, business experts, and faculty).

Journal of Small Business Management

The Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM) is the official journal of the ICSB. The JSBM publishes scholarly research articles about small business management and entrepreneurship. ICSB members receive online access to this journal.

Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship

The Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship (JBE) publishes articles that expand both theoretical and practical knowledge of business and entrepreneurship. Its audience is academics as well as people in industry. JBE’s topic areas include marketing, management, finance, accounting, applied information technology, and business law.

Online Learning Excellence Training

Online Learning Excellence (OLE) training teaches educators how to adopt online learning technologies and techniques. ICSB 2016 attendees are eligible to attend the training, which will take place at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey.

ICSB 2016

Each year, the ICSB hosts an international conference. This year, the ICSB World Conference will take place at multiple locations in New York and New Jersey, including United Nations headquarters and Stevens Institute of Technology. ICSB 2016 will focus on the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in advancing the UN New Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information about the conference, or to secure your seat, please click here or visit the ICSB’s website at

Fast Facts: The United Nations

Fast Facts: The United Nations

This year, the ICSB World Conference has the great honor of hosting its first day at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City. How much do you know about the UN? Check out a few fast facts.

United Nations: In the Beginning

In 1941, representatives from 14 countries and exiled governments met in London for a conference that began planning for a new world organization. Then-U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt suggested that the organization be called the “United Nations.” The Declaration of United Nations was drafted in 1942. The UN charter was drafted in 1945 and was ratified by 51 countries between August and December of that year.

First Resolution

The UN adopted its first resolution in January of 1946, in the wake of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The resolution called for the elimination of atomic and other weapons of mass destruction, as well as the peaceful use of atomic power.

The United Nations has subsequently issued many more resolutions. The Security Council alone has issued almost 2,300 since its inception.

Eight Secretaries-General

The United Nations is led by a Secretary-General, who functions as both an administrator and a spokesperson for the body. Just eight men have held that position:

  • Trygve Lie (Norway) from 1946-1952
  • Dag Hammarskjöld (Sweden) from 1953-1961
  • U Thant (Myanmar) from 1961-1971
  • Kurt Waldheim (Austria) from 1972-1981
  • Javier Perez de Cuellar from 1982-1991
  • Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Egypt) from 1992-1996
  • Kofi A. Annan (Ghana) from 1997-2006
  • Ban Ki-Moon (Korea) from 2007-present

UN Headquarters in South Dakota?

New York City wasn’t the immediate choice for the location of the UN headquarters building. Other sites under consideration included the Black Hills in South Dakota and Navy Island in upstate New York, near Ontario, Canada. Instead, U.S. philanthropist John D. Rockefeller donated money to purchase the site where the UN headquarters were built, on the East River in New York City. The headquarters building was opened in January of 1951 and completed in October of 1952.

Six Official Languages

While most day-to-day business is conducted in English and French, statements made by delegates are simultaneously translated into each of the six official languages of the United Nations. They are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.

ICSB 2016 at the UN

ICSB 2016 invites you to join us at the UN and at our subsequent sessions and events at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. Register today to secure your seat at the conference.

ICSB Pre-Conference Event: Tourism and Entrepreneurship: Partners in Development

Tourism and Entrepreneurship: Partners in Development

Date: June 15th
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Location: NYU, Kimmel Center 914
Address: 60 Washington Square S., New York, NY 10012



Tourism and entrepreneurship are not distinct concepts. Tourism has the potential to empower communities and the sustainable tourism agenda needs to focus on how to bring this about. Entrepreneurship is the ability to seek and identify opportunities and through tourists and tourism it can transform the local community.

Tourism is now one of the world’s largest and most dynamic industries and one of its fastest growing. For many countries tourism is seen as a main tool for development, as it stimulates new economic activities. Tourism may have a positive economic impact on the balance of payments, on employment, on gross income and production, but it may also have negative effects, particularly on the environment.

Unplanned and uncontrolled tourism growth can negatively impact the environment that tourist growth can be compromised. The environment, being the major source of tourist attraction, should therefore be protected in order to have further growth of tourism and economic development.

Topics Covered:

Entrepreneurship and Tourism
Disruption in the Tourism Industry
Opportunities in the Tourism Industry

Feature Keynote Speaker


Associate Dean, Tisch Center for Hospitality and Tourism and Associate Clinical Professor of Tourism, New York University School of Professional Studies (USA)

A noted scholar, specializing in tourism and economic development, Dr. Lamoureux has been a distinguished and accomplished expert in professional and academic education for nearly 20 years. Most recently, she served as the executive director of the George Washington University (GW) International Institute of Tourism Studies (IITS) and as an assistant research professor of Tourism and Business Management in the GW School of Business. Under her leadership, IITS has grown to become a renowned tourism research center that plays a prominent role in tourism professional development, international development, curriculum development, and academic research.


Egypt: Past-Present-Future – Workshop

Workshop Title: Egypt & Entrepreneurship: Magnificent Past – Challenging Present – Exciting Future

Date: Friday, June 17th, 2016
Time: 3:45 p.m.
Location: Stevens Institute of Technology – Babbio Center
Authors Ahmed Osman, Ahmed Mohamed Shalaby and Ayman Ismail

Session Chair: Ahmed Osman (President of ICSB Egypt (MAKSABY)
Moderator: Hossam Saleh (MAKSABY)

Presenters: Ahmed Mohamed Shalaby, Ayman Ismail, and Amr Abu Elzam
Panelists: Amr Gohar, Hossam Maksood, and Pierre Girgis
Workshop Abstract:
The famous economist, Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950), was among the first to lay out a clear concept of entrepreneurship. Schumpeter pointed out the many ways that entrepreneurs innovate. He called attention to the fact that not only do they innovate by figuring out how to use inventions, but they also innovate by inventing new means of production, new products, and new forms of organization. Entrepreneurs in other words, improve the productive capacity of society by generating the “creative destruction” of positive economic change.
Egypt in in the midst a new iteration of entrepreneurship. It is based on the idea that business innovation must be harnessed to fundamentally reinvent and redefine the meaning of compensated work. In the new economy business innovation is challenged to improve the human experience and preserve the planet that supports it. 
This workshop and subsequent conference in Egypt in November 2016 focuses on the intersections between innovation, opportunity recognition, and sustainability. Egypt version of entrepreneurship is a youth driven effort to create viable “work opportunities” in an economy now distant from its agricultural and industrial forerunners.
Special Thanks:
TatweerMisr for being Sponsor of ICSB 2016 Welcome Reception — Dr. Ahmed Shalaby
The Egyptian American Community Foundation – Dr. Hossam Maksood and Mr. Pierre Girgis (your hard work is truly appreciated)

Egyptian Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Sahar Nasr to Speak at ICSB 2016

Egypt has been at the center of world events for centuries. If your job were to strengthen Egypt’s economic ties with the international community, where would you start? Since September of 2015, that has been the question that Egypt’s Minister of International Cooperation, Dr. Sahar Nasr, has had to answer.

About the Ministry of International Cooperation

The Ministry’s mission is to develop and support economic cooperation between Egypt and other countries, as well as with international and regional organizations. It also “advises the government on the standards and regulations for external borrowing and the receiving of foreign grants, reviews the disbursements and repayments of local borrowers in addition to the disbursements of beneficiaries from foreign grants. . .to ensure the achievement of economic development.”

About Dr. Sahar Nasr

Dr. Sahar Nasr is a professor of Economics at the American University in Cairo and a lecturer at several other universities. Since taking on the role of Minister of International Cooperation, her focus has been strengthening Egypt’s relationships with its international partners, as well as building new relationships with other countries and international organizations in Africa and Asia. In addition, Dr. Nasr heads the National Committee for the Follow-Up on the Implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

“My aim is to forge more partnerships with the international community and to mobilize resources with the objective of achieving inclusive and sustainable economic growth,” Dr. Nasr said upon taking her position as Minister. “Job creation, especially for youth and women, is on the top of my agenda. Supporting lagging regions and enhancing access to markets is key in that regard.”

About ICSB 2016

Founded in 1955, the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) was the first international membership organization to promote the growth and development of small businesses worldwide. The organization brings together educators, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners from around the world to share knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. Each year, ICSB members and affiliates come together to discuss relevant issues and share information at conferences all around the world.

This year, the ICSB World Conference will take place at multiple locations in New York and New Jersey. The conference kicks off at United Nations Headquarters on June 16, and then moves to the Stevens Institute of Technology on June 17 and 18. Registration is open to the public, but limited and expected to sell out. ICSB 2016 will focus on the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in advancing the UN New Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information about the conference, or to secure your seat, please click here or visit the ICSB’s website at