Each year, the ICSB World Conference hosts a pre-conference Doctoral Consortium. At the Consortium, doctoral candidates in the field of small business and entrepreneurship can present their research, receive feedback on their scholarship, and meet experienced faculty.
The Doctoral Consortium also provides new researchers and more advanced scholars with an opportunity to share their ideas and experience. The Consortium offers doctoral candidates a chance to network with people in their field.
ICSB Doctoral Consortium FAQ
When does the Doctoral Consortium take place?
The Consortium is on June 15 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, the day before ICSB 2016 begins.
Where is the Doctoral Consortium happening?
The Consortium will be located at the Stevens Institute of Technology, at 1 Castle Point Terrace in Hoboken, NJ.
Who are the students who participate in the Consortium?
As many as twenty doctoral candidates are chosen to attend the Consortium. Attendees are chosen from applicants who are in the advanced study of entrepreneurship, and who intend to pursue an academic career. Students from across the globe are encouraged to apply.
How can I apply to attend the ICSB Doctoral Consortium?
The application deadline for this year has passed, but please consider applying next year.
Are doctoral students eligible for a discount to the full conference?
They are. The conference fee for doctoral students is only $575 and includes access to all conference sessions, the welcome reception, coffee breaks and buffet lunch during conference days, and the gala dinner.
About ICSB 2016
This year, the ICSB World Conference will take place at multiple locations in New York and New Jersey. On June 16, we will be at United Nations headquarters, and then we will move to the Stevens Institute of Technology on June 17 and 18. Registration is open to the public, but it is limited and expected to sell out. ICSB 2016 will focus on the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in advancing the UN New Sustainable Development Goals.
For more information about the conference, or to secure your seat, please click here, or here if you are a doctoral candidate.